Wednesday, September 30, 2009

God's Plans :)

Classes started today with just Edith and I because the other student in my class was sick. We decided to do something fun instead of having class! Therefore we decided to watch a movie :) I think the name was A Ladron que roba una Ladron. Of course it was all in spanish but surprisingly I understood most of it. Then after the movie was over it was time for break.

During the break we all got talking about old photos of when we were little. Ray then proceeded to tell Edith that he had a bunch of photos of me when I was little. I knew what was coming next. My slideshow that Ray made and my parents showed me at my graduation party. I decided to watch it again. And OF COURSE I began to cry. I didnt think I would, but then again I am Courtney Parlin who is very emotional! It just made me miss my family and just awwww pictures and memories. Dont get my wrong I love it here but it just reminded me of graduation. It was beautiful and will be something I will cherish for the rest of my life.

After the flowing tears, we returned to our classroom. This is when God's work began to shine and really just opened my eyes. Edith began by telling me that she understood why I had the tattoo "beloved" after seeing the slideshow even though she couldnt understand what my parents were saying. She understood how much I am beloved by my parents, friends, and most importantly God. This meant a lot to me, but that was only the beginning.

She proceeded to tell me that before she even met me, she read through my exam and talked to Greg and wasnt really sure that she liked the idea of me being in a class with others just because of the level I was at. And as she began to get to know me and realized I am only 18 years she wondered why my parents let me come here. She always wondered that about her students. She then told me that she knows that my parents have faith and trust me. They know that this is God's plans for me and that they are praying for me. She told me she could tell and see how much faith I have in God.

Now she understands that God put me in my class that I am in for several reasons. Whenever we start to talk about something in class that is sometimes a touchy subject, she is always confident that God is going to put the words in my mouth that would glorify Him and give him the praise. SHe told me "Gods always puts us right where he wants us to be. We might not understand why we are where we are right in the moment, but shortly He will begin to reveal His plans for us." We even talked about how the family I am living with right now is not christian, and how that she thinks this is a great opportuinty for them to just see how a Christian lives. Here in Chihuahua a lot of people dont have a very good perception of Christians. Therefore, for them to see me could help if anything just change their perception of Christians. God works in miserious ways. I strongly believe that what she says is so true. I have been given so many opportunities here to just let God work in my life and I am truly blessed.

She proceeded to tell me that she wants her daughters to grow up like me and that I am a light in the school to everyone, and people do notice. This blew me away. I mean I am only with her 3 1/2 hours a day speaking a completely different language (and right now, not that well). I dont see how this could be possible for her to see this in me. Quickly I remembered it is because of the ALMIGHT God that we serve. I began to cry as she was telling me all of this. God blows my mind away DAILY...right now just typing this I cant believe this. She said it is very rare to meet people like me and that I am very special and that God has great plans for me and that I will bless every person I meet and she has no doubt in that because people will see the difference in me and realized who the God is we serve. She wanted to make sure that my parents back at home knew that DAILY she is praying for me. She is praying for my safety, my health, and my walk with Christ. I couldnt have felt more blessed to be her student. She has blessed my life already in so many ways. I wish I could remember everything Edith told me, but I cant. The bottom line was that God has plans for me and that he will always lead me where He wants me to be.

Today I was reminded that God always has me right where he wants me, down to every day. I am in my classes to be a light. I am in my school to be a an example of the outstanding God we serve. I am blessed. We serve a mighty God and dont let anyone tell you differently. God has plans for you and where you are now is where he wants you to be. You may not know it now, but God will use you while you are there.

I dont write this to brag in any way and I hope it didnt sound that way. I just am blown away by God's greatness and I couldnt help but share what He is doing here in my life in Chihuahua, MX. All this glory goes to God and I wouldnt be the person I am today without Him. GLORIA A DIOS! Therefore, please dont read this as me bragging but as me showing the amazing work of God. I think I was forgetting the reason I am here and was getting caught up in the daily routine. God used Edith today to remind me why God has me here. I stand amazed.

"Walk in the paths He shows you: follow the life-map absolutely, keep an eye out for the signposts...then you'll get on well in whatever you do and wherever you go"
1 Kings 2:1 (the message)


  1. Proud of you girl and miss you big time. God has you there for many reasons. Keep being yourself, stay humble, and keep studying!! Be safe and I will talk to you soon. Love you...Big Dad

  2. You definitely weren't bragging...God has always put you in special situations where you shine HIS love for others to's so incredible to hear how this experience is continuing that....and I'm thrilled you are having a great time as well as missing your friends and family...sounds like a wonderful experience!!!!! Love you and miss you!

  3. Hey sweetie1 I just now was able to read this, that is a sweet story, and the letter that your teacher wrote to your dad and I was the neatest and coolest thing ever. I agree with everything you're saying and know God will continue to use you there and wherever you go, He will use the good days and the bad days. I have learned that over the years, that God will use all parts of our journey to teach us and lesson and allow us to share with others. Have a fun weekend, love you mom
